Tuesday, March 31, 2009

About Mz. Beautiiful [ME]

Well i am very fun to be around. ii love to read and write and to listen to music. music is like my first love in life. it helps me with my problems and give me advice that ii need lOl ii am from south side of Chicago. ii had moved to florida my 11th grade year and ii had went to port charlotte high school.it was a small town and ii had ALOT to get use to. the kids talked different walked different and even acted different then from wat i was use to. ii was use to the boys wear baggie cloths that was way to big for them and everyone would always wear the fresh j's that came out every 2 weeks. when ii came to florida ii saw the boys wearin skinny jeans and tight t-shirts. lol i mean some boys can pull it off but not all of them. but like ii said ii had alot to get use to. when ii had moved to port charlotte ii had to change the way ii talked and even had to change my vocabulary lol ii was fresh from chicago so ii had the chicago slang.... such as raw, tight, treated, and lookin ass lol and in port charlotte they use to say myb, all types of, and dont try me. to tell you the truth ii thought ii wasnt guna fit in beacuse ii had really became popular. it was a small town but it was alot of kids.. ii use to have pool partys and ii even had a huge birthday party at my friend house and a big dinner party at chillis.

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